Are you asking the wrong retirement planning questions?

How much money do I need to retire? How long do I have to work before I’m able to retire? How long will my savings last in my retirement? Will I have to sell my house?

These common questions miss the point. Retirement isn’t about what the Australian Bureau of Statistics says is the average retirement pot. It should be about you. It should be about choices.

The first question our financial advisers will ask you is: what do you want your retirement to look like? Once we know the answer, we can get your retirement planning house in order.


Bridging the retirement planning gap.

Most people massively overestimate how far their savings and capital will stretch. Likewise, they grossly underestimate how much they will need to live the retirement lifestyle they want.

Our financial planning advisers provide a vital reality check. We’ll compare the retirement you want with the retirement you’re on track to achieve. Then, we’ll work out how to close the gap.

Whatever path you’re currently on, you’ve got a host of choices to make in the interim. And that’s the key: making the right choices now so you have more choices down the track.

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